so yesterday I'm at the Slide (place of employment), and I switch out a work shift giving me the next 4 days off. Now initially I thought that this was spring break, turns out that it's not, it's fall break. School is awesome! I forgot about all of these breaks. Anyways, as I asses what I'm going to do with 4 days off, the looming pile of dirty laundry comes to mind. So, like a true college student I drive home, throw the laundry hamper into the jeep (really no need to pack), running shoes and the dog. I'm going to my sisters house to do free laundry! Giddy up Denver. It was so nice and sunny in Grand Junction, perfect road trip weather! Making a direct shock to my spine as I roll into town and the jeep thermostat is -5. What the hell? I really need to start watching the weather updates. (looking back on it, I really should have packed accordingly too. I have yoga pants, work clothes, and 2 pair of sheets with me....) As Im sleeping in the fetal position in the spare room with Tiffs
-15 degree sleeping bag wrapped around me like a cocoon, I'm yelling "tiff, tiff your heat went out again!" She didn't hear me and I couldn't move my popsicle legs until 8 this morning.

Okay Amanda with your SERIOUS love for pie I think you should change career directions (shouldn't be a problem) and open a bakery that sells only pies. Now I know what you are going to say, you don't bake, detail, deatils...
lets reflect on the pecan pie that I made that your husband actually used the word shalack to describe.
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