I apologize for not keeping up. (Amy is right.....My blogging is bound to suffer) I know this disappoints Bakerquest, as he loves my sometimes two postings a day. Good thing I don't sleep well and can catch up on things at night......
Well I was back to Junction on Monday with just mild slipping and sliding over the pass......Reminded me of the ride back to WP after picking up Amy and Dr. Bob from the airport. Minus the unpredictable Bronco (oh Mabel, how you still make us laugh) and Bob in the back seat squealing like a girl in delight of fresh powder (Bob, you too, funny guy) It really muffled Amys outbursts of fear.

So I'm home. The warmth today was immeasurable to the negative degrees in Denver. So much so that despite the long list of things to do today, Sativa and I squeezed in some time and found a new park where we both laid down in the sun. Sometimes you really envy the simple life of the turtle on a rock in the river........
Sativa celabrated by rolling around in the leaves. I tried it, but it wasnt as cool as she made it.

Then, tonight was at a coaches meeting for the Girls on the Run. Their big fundraiser is a 22.6 mile race across the mesa. Yea. All the coaches are supposed to do it. Let me change that, all the coaches do it. The head of the program is writing down names, looks at me and says 'oh I can tell Amanda is in on this' (in front of everyone as we are all sitting in these miniature versions of plastic cafeteria seats in the elementary school library..... Even MY knees are up to my shoulders) Suddenly the black woman in me comes out and I start looking around behind me.......'Is there another Amanda here? Girl you are some kind of crazy if you think I'm running 22.6 miles. I couldn't make it 10 miles with cops chasing me'. (oh you black woman, simmer down! We are at a volunteer program to keep girls away from the cops, not teach them how to run from them) The program director reminds me of the turtle and the hare story & I think, this turtle is on a rock in the river, not chasing down some silly racing rabbit. I changed the subject, but be forewarned, if I have to do it, I have to raise $250, so don't be shocked when it's time to ante up.
Great so we get to give you money and not even sure if you can finish? Sounds made up... realy just need bar money right?
I'll give you money to let the inner-black woman out at the finish line. You know, really show out when someone from your team crosses it! I say you bribe someone to run in your place!
Oh for Pete's sake Amanda... I will give you two choices where the race is concerned... either you pull a Rosie Ruiz and hop into a motorized vehicle to get you to the finish line to be declared the winner, or I will drive behind you in the biggest truck I can rent, with lights flashing so no one "runs into you", just like Grandma did to me when I rode the horse home in Ohio. Just let us all write you checks......... No one in Grand Junction wants to see you pull a MONKEY MO!!!
You'd better be runnin' if I catch you saying I'm screaming like a girl again!
Your blog is hystrical, especially poor Frank.
As for your running adventure, just remember, We can't all be heroes because someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by...
I believe that the Buddah gave us a finite number of heartbeats and I'm damned if I'm going to use up mine running up and down a street.
Give me a bike anyday
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