Never really a good thing when you wake up with a headache. Especially when it's the one that you couldn't shake from yesterdays incident at the Health Center. I'll admit, I tried to self medicate yesterday with Mai Ti's. I got to celebrate two of my favorite girls birthdays, and headache or not, I wasn't going to let that stop me. The drinks were at the sushi restaurant with Heather....Not Graces 1st birthday party (although I'm sure had shown up in South Carolina, someone would have given me a drink there too) Look at that cutie, I can't believe she didn't stick her face straight into the cake. Actually my money is on Neals face going straight into the pie.....

Everytime I hop on the bike in anything other then spandex, I flash back to the 6th grade as I roll my right pant leg up. And in my head....'running just as fast as we can...hold-in on to one another's ha-and'. (Ok, so no one else sings to themselves 80's songs? Don't you judge me)
Heather was surprised, as was the intent, and Trig gets bonus points for buying his wife thong underwear and cowboy boots for her birthday. He leaned over the table.......'with any luck, that's what she'll be wearing later'
That guy makes me laugh.
I love the fact that my married friends are so fun together. Amy & Neal with their birthday girl Grace, and Trig and his birthday wifey Heather. You guys are the best examples of happy couples for a single heartless girl like myself. ( my usual surrounding of dysfunction got the night off I guess)

Riding home I was quickly reminded of the headache with every crack in the road shooting pain straight to my head.
Owch, pedal pedal pedal bump, owch, pedal pedal bump owch.
Lets see if I can't drink this headache away today before work.. I'll use water this time.
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