No AAA pancakes this trip. Crested Butte really is a fantastic spot. It made me miss the cool mountain air of Winter Park. This will be my first summer boiling in the desert, so it's nice to know that there is an oasis just a bus put put away. Molly and I got some play time in before the drive out. 706, Lost Lake trail (really not that hard to find the lake), and then looped up to Dollar Lake to the pass. But the hype is right, anything out there is good, as long as your out there doing it. The flowers are in bloom, as well as every bug known to mankind. There was actually a buzzing in the air.
Something bit the top of my foot during the night tree run, so my
lefty is swollen up like a hobbit. The benadril was packed for that very reason, but taking off in anything other then flip flips was less then entertaining. Speaking of entertainment, you know that scene in Dirty Dancing where they are learning the Cha cha on the log over the river? Yea well here is me failing miserably at the reenactment. Two three cha cha chaaaaaaaahhh!
We pulled into GJ with not the fastest time ever, but there was a sweet downhill tailwind at one point where Beck pulled another sweet 70. I was dumb enough to take my hands off the flying breadbox to snap picture proof. And of course no trip is complete without a Hummer getting the bird. Double whammy coming from a bus. Now there is about 4 loads of laundry to do, and 3 showers to get the dirt/sunscreen/bugspray layers off. Cheers to Molly and her shoe eating pup Abby for being brave enough to take the first trip with me....the shirt speaks truth.
BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!! The pics are great and the dogs and girls all look so happy. Love the boys makin' music. Looks like the Artful Dodger meets Dennis the Menace! What a great break befor your new classes start. The slight greenish tint to the screen is simply a reflection off my face. Drive on........
Roll on, Beck, roll on!
Sehr schoen!
Yes, I actually do remember that scene in Dirty Dancing! And would you know that, while channel surfing in our hotel room, I saw that they were playing that movie just last weekend, in the Netherlands, with Dutch subtitles! Hmmmmm...
Hey girly! Long time no talk. I miss you being around when I go and see Amy. She gave me your blog site so that I could keep up on your funny stories. Anyway, I thought I better leave this website on a message that it would apply to. About midway down the page there are chocolate VW buses. They made me think of you. Hope you enjoy.
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