The pup I'm watching at the house is pretty funny. He's a little Westy and Sativa thinks he is great. She loves little dogs. Much like how I love midgets. I'll snap some photos of him when I get back out there. Like many things I found mortifying while I was out there, finding they had dial up this morning just lengthened the list. The couple that owns the house are my parents age, love the fact that I have a bus and I think in their day were original hippies. They had given me the tour of the house, (water these plants, laundry is here, opened up a door & sleep here kind of thing) and so last night as I peeled myself away from their dish TV and headed into my designated room, I jumped when I saw a shadow across from me. Breath in (owch, stupid rib), breath out. I turned on the light. Oh It was me. In the mirror. In my 'it's really late' fog I why would anyone put a mirror right there? That is so not fung shui. I turn around. Another mirror. Oh no. I close my eyes and look up.
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
I grabbed my pillow, and my dogs pillow and opted to sleep on the twin mattress upstairs, figuring that was my safest bet.

Okay TMI! I think that confirms the old hippies idea.
Good choice.
... wait i'm still laughing,..
thank you that was great!
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