All up in my grill.
Yesterday was just a filler day in Amandaland. Nothing really exciting. The usual. Ran some errands, tried to force my ribs into recovery, looked like a crazy person in public. Ya know, a normal day.
Have you ever gone into Borders and tried to find a book that you don't know the name or author of? That was me, *note here that I am in the children's section.*
A long long time ago in a land far far away, I was a nanny for two terrible twin boys. (They were bad but I loved them none the less) They had this book that they LOVED and despite their developmental problems with speech, this alphabet book would be tossed in my lap about thirty times a day for me to read to them. Flash back now to Borders as I'm looking for this book that I don't know the name of, but can recite from cover to cover. I think it will be perfect to send one to Grace and one to Lachlan. So I walk up to a group of young college age kids that work there....
'Hi, Im looking for this alphabet book, I don't know the name of it.....'
(blank stares)
'It goes (looking back this is where I began to look like the public lunatic) A told B and B told C, I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree. Weeeee!' I stop. My voice changed to the high pitch kid sliding down the slide when I said WEEEEEE! I've become sing-songy....My hands are up in the air. I put them down. I'm getting nothing now but wide eyed blank stares. Security must be on the way.
In a very quiet shaky voice it just keeps coming out......'Chica chica boom boom will there be enough room?' Im now questioning my own sanity.
I can tell NOW the three are doing everything in their power not to laugh at me. Silently judging me
'I know that book.' (voice from behind me) I spin around. Thank god. Validation. 'It's a favorite at the library.' As I walk away to find the book with my new librarian friend I hear the blank stare/3 face piercing/tattoo on her neck/Borders worker say....'Wow. Wasn't expecting that!'
My husband's vegetarian feast he is making (I know...I am SO spoiled!) is just a few minutes from being served, so I will be back later to read your new entries, but I just saw your comment and I wanted to say:
Amanda, you are not alone! After 10 years of daily practice, I daydream my way through yoga every freakin' day!!! (maybe I should work on that.)
The name of the book! The name of the book! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease! Sounds like something I really need here in my own library. As for the public display of insanity...don't worry about it. It's hereditary and you got it from me. Yesterday I went to Tuesday Morning to look for a cheap duck to give David's daughter Lindsey for her first birthday (ducks are her absolute favorite things) and I found a kids book with fabulous illustrations and all the words to Teddy Bear's Picnic! I "commenced to dancin' a jig and singing out loud" right on the spot.......yup, you can clear an isle at Tuesday Morning with very little effort. I was still humming it when I hit the check-out and I made your Dad listen to me sing EVERY VERSE at dinner last night! We refer to it as "live entertainment". Oh yeah, I found a great duck, but who cares compared to the book?
PS.... love the looks of Stanley. No wonder Cookie thinks he's the bomb.
In case there was any doubt....... the book's for ME!!! My Gram sang that song to me on demand for as far back as I can remember. It truthfully may be my earliest memory. Lindsey gets the duck and a different sweet book....... The Teddy Bear's stay here.
Well Sally it's good to know the King family library is still growing. I know Grace will love to read from it when we come to visit. But only if you promise US live entertainment. Maybe you could learn the "Rubber Duckie" song. And Amanda I can promise you Grace thanks you for singing to the Borders crowd...all just to find a book for Grace. Just another reason why she loves Aunt Amanda. :o)
No problemoooooooooo sweet Grace. "The ole one" already has Rubber Ducky down pat. So rubba dub-dubbie..... Let's try to get Amanda home as back-up. I hear the acustics in a bus are great!
That's a funny story, Amanda! Next time, you might want to just try punching in the words into google. About six months ago I was looking to find this dvd (i didn't even know if it had been put onto dvd or not)of this super cool tv show special I saw on PBS in 2002. I had searched the PBS website but I didn't know the title and I didn't know the writer of it. It was animated. The narrator tells his life story and the lessons he has learned in life by recalling all of his past dogs. It's simple and beautiful.
The story starts in communist Czechoslovakia and ends in America. I really really wanted to find it and watch it again, and show Victor. So I did a search on Google, typing in "man", "dog", and "Czechoslovakia", and, wouldn't you know... it was the first thing that popped up! It's called "Still Life with Animated Dogs".
Come to think of it now, I think you might really like it! You like dogs! I'll send you the link so you can check it out!
Here's the link:
Here's the link:
and here's a link to something I posted about it on the independent television service (ITVS) website:
I'd send you one of their postcards but I don't know your email!
Take care of that rib!
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