Ok it's me it's me. If it makes you feel any better my laundry is being neglected too. I don't have any incredibly funny stories to tell you (shocking I know). Heather let me borrow her Air Force jumpsuit for Halloween, so I went as maverick. That was pretty sweet, although after about 20 minutes into waiting tables in a onezie, I realized maybe a little hotter then I wanted.
I did however get in some sweet movie quotes throughout the night.
My wall is fixed thanks to Ponch and his dad.....who I think might be Bob Villa in disguise. I of course attempted to look domestic, and baked oatmeal cookies while they were patching the wall.
I can't find any baking soda for the batter other then the kind that is in the box in my freezer soaking up all of the nasty smells.
I used it, and yes, it was disgusting. Who knew that oatmeal cookies could taste like leftover pasta and fish?!?
So I did what any girl trying to cover up a disaster in a blue apron would do......
I started adding other ingredients to try and cover up the taste. My oatmeal cookies became....
Oatmeal, chocolate chip, cinnamon, craison cookies. Very little batter was left after I added everything.
They were still bad. Ponch ate one anyway and they humored me by taking a plate home. I hope he and his dad are playing a pickup game of street hockey using the cookies as a puck. For god sake no one should have to eat those.
Domestication. Maybe I should look that word up in the dictionary