The interview was last night. It's hard to say how those things go. There was a panel of 6 made up of 2 professors and then 4 from the hospital. Six questions were asked, I remember 4 and I think I may have blacked out during two. Please god don't have let the black woman in me come out to answer those two questions.....or do the electric slide. I was the absolute last interviewee at #56 and the accept 18 into the program. (big sigh)
Afterwards I went to the Slide, had a beer, and drove out to the lakehouse where I fell asleep on the couch. I like that place. With the exception of the highway running off to the side, it's very peaceful. I'm planning on hauling the kayak into the lake today and paddling around. Having had all of my midterms on Thursday I actually have a weekend where I'm not flooded with homework or anxiety.
But first I have to head up to work for a employee wine tasting. Drinking wine at 9am. It's like running through the communion line over and over again. I just might find a way to make lake boating into an extreme sport.
Well i was just passing by , and i read the first post , what type of interviews was that ?!
I don't think you need to worry about your black sister doing the electric slide..... that's the cowgirl who lives one floor down and hangs out at the Crystal Pistol. I envy you this day.... both wine tasting and a paddle on the lake. You deserve the rest and peace.
for the radiologic science department
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