Saturday, July 08, 2006


'What" will your obituary say?' at
Ah. Today was spent learning rescue tips and running scenarios that I hope to god never happen. Made up scenarios of course. So now, if you find yourself in a situation....(chest pains, respiratory distress, lodged crispy cream donut in your oesophagus) I'm the girl to get out my air mask to protect me from your cuties...or vice versa. Pound on your chest (sir! can you hear me?) and defib your heart as your floating away to the promise land ....just enough volts to bring you back to feel the painful electrodes quivering into your every nerve cell. This will of course be followed by another shocking when the bill arrives and you drop to your knees again.
(Ummm welcome back sir, please remember to recycle this time)
Or maybe I could just call an
Professional rescuer 101, which actually is very little difference from a first responder, except I get to yell 'clear!' and press a button. Really anyone who owns one of those machines can do that too....You just have a better chance in court to sue me instead of him if your nipple rings aren't removed during shocking and you suddenly find yourself nippless. (scenario #288).
Now all that's left is 6 painful shots, and the all white 'I'm a rookie, please don't trust me with anything important' outfit to buy. I think I'm going to go the non-traditional route and skip the scrubs and go for the below the knee white skirt. That's how I'll express my inner rebel....Through the flashing of my chicken legs.


Anonymous said...

I'll be watching for you on Gray's Anatomy.......

WanderingGirl said...

Great way to pick up hotties at the hospital. Try getting that skirt altered to above the knee, and put on some kicking stilettos. To hell with the "naughty nurse", they should meet the radical rad tech!

Amy said...

I never thought Amanda would be the one to resuccitate me...I guess that proves never say never.

Anonymous said...

okay, so this doesn't have anything to do with this post...

but I see that your bus made quite the trek. think you, your dog, and McVanagon could cross the Bering Strait (if they built that Intercontinental Peace Bridge, that is), continue on across Siberia, come and pick up Winter, Victor, and me, and continue on to do a European road trip?

hmmm... maybe not. could be fun, though.

okay. it's late. i'm starting to sound crazy. ha, ha, yeah, I know... "starting to"... I just wrote a children's story on my blog that's probably not gonna find any publishers, so what can i say...
