Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Paid cat hitman

Good god someone shoot me. No no not really, I can't spare any time off of free work and class. It's a bad thing when I day drift about how I get to sleep in one extra hour because of daylight savings time this weekend though.

But Lucky for you I have a story I've kept in my pocket for a treat that is today. Mom, Amy, Phil. Your probably the only readers I have left so this one is for you.

A few months ago while leaving the truck drivers house, the cat that resides in the shop jumped in through the passenger side window in the driveway. Teva, thinking Christmas had come early, proceeded to chase the cat around the back of the station wagon while I threw it into park.

I open up the back drivers side door and try and herd the cat. No Luck. Teva and I are not working well as a team on this. Knowing if I touch the cat I am destine to go inside and wash up because of kitty allergies, I throw a jacket over the cat. The cat, as I am now half way into the car, is escorted out via the backseat passenger side window. Despite my efforts I sneeze all the way home.

A couple weeks later we realize that no one has seen the cat.

Kitty kitty was the truckers ex's. Who called. To check on the cat.

And the trucker says to her.......

'Ya know no one has seen him in a while. Actually I think Amanda saw him last when he jumped into her car and she threw him out the window.'

Sweet. My head drops to my chest and I shake my head.

Stupid cat is going to get me beet up in the alley.


Amy said...

Trucker's ex's can be mean! Especially ones named Kitty, Kitty...or was that the missing cat's name? Eitheir way, in the event of an ass whooping, just cover your head.

WanderingGirl said...

Run like we taught Tyler to do in the rain... zig zag and keep your hands over your head. It's hard to hit a moving target, and even taller when you decrease your width by holding hands overhead.

Oh, and I still read your stories... over and over and over and over.

Anonymous said...

Good Grief...............
Does the man want to get you knocked off? And is this an ex-girlfriend or an ex-wife? I think Amy and Tiff about covered the "how not to get hit" advice so I will just end by shaking my head and grinning a little at the visual of my girl Cookie chasing a cat around the back of a VW.

Maigh said...

Another perfect example of men choosing the absolute wrong words to explain a situation...bless his heart.