Friday, October 05, 2007

Today is my girls birthday. She of course doesnt look at day over seven.

And she is currently outside hunting chipmunks.


Anonymous said...

My first grandpuppy. What a joy she has been to us all. Can't measure happiness in squirell parts or moles feet or cubic yards of farm dirt trenched, but if you could you would know what a good girl she really is. Back seat, Sativa Maria, Cookieface, Columbus, Pastel, Lalala King. It's on to the next adventure! If you were here you would have another cake.

WanderingGirl said...

Hey Peppy Birdlegs, Coo!!

Pooh King does 2 zoomies for you, and Oz acts like a ninja.

Anonymous said...

Lexi, Luna and the Pittsburgh extension of the broten aminal farm salute you with a greenie and pouncer! Good white dog!

Amy said...

In true lady never reveal a womans true age. I'm sending slow chipmunk birthday wishes to Sativa Marie Cookie Face Chewbaca Pastel King (did I get them all?!).

Aunt Amy

Anonymous said...

Chewbaca???????? Is there one I don't know?

Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda! I haven't been by in a while... just wanted to see what you're up to...

I closed down my allthingsnicole blog but I opened up a new blog on blogger -- this one is just for friends and family (I got tired of having just any-ole weirdo read all the details of my life), and I'd like to invite you to be a reader, but since it's private, I need to send an invitation to your email address. I hate asking people for their emails and I'd promise to burn it as soon as the invite was sent. If you're interested in stopping by and seeing what Victor, me, the beagles, cats, fish, and perhaps an appleseed have been up to, send me a line at

Happy birthday to the other Ms. King!

take care,