Monday, February 27, 2006

Will trade you Jeep 4 Bus

The bus was gone when I got back, so I guess that's means no.........

Don't worry Grace, Auntie will have a bus to take you around in soon enough......

I can't get a thing done with weather like this. (smiling)


WanderingGirl said...

I like how VW vans make you smile... this one is especially cool with the mini-pseudo-sunroofs!

Anonymous said...

If you let me come along (even for a short while) I will make pancakes in the back, on demand! If Gracie is still little, I change a mean diaper and Teva will testify that I arrive bearing awsome dog treats from the Bon-i-fied Bakery. My resume grows....

Amy said...

I'm with you Ma King and so is Grace. Hey Amanda, this bus looks strangely like Kelso's bus on That 70's Show. Sweet...

miss king said...

it's the bus man, everyone is welcome. Moms right, if we break down, you just go in the back and make pancakes until help arrives. it's all good

Anonymous said...

i guess a guy with a vanity plate that says Busman isnt going to give it up for the ghetto jeep...

Anonymous said...

All you "we're having such nice weather" people! Damn you guys! Why do I always live where it's cold?! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!