Thursday, February 16, 2006

You've had the warning......

BEFORE YOU ENTER THIS ROOM! A forewarning to all.....I skinned the cat this morning.... And I posted a disclaimer keeping any of you with a weak stomach from continuing. Heed that warning now. Im also going to post the pictures below this so mom won't pass out. She tried to talk me out of it today on the phone, but your blogging voyerism is asking for it. Amy stop, stop here. Mom, you too. All you other freaks that I love so much............. lets roll.

Meet kitty kitty. Miss Kitty Kitty is the #2 cat that was laid out on the table this morning. Let me explain. Erin (my lab partner whom I ruthlessly stole from some underclassman) has the highest GPA in the class, so despite my inherent instinct to go for the hot baseball player, I reminded myself what my own GPA needs to be and stole Erin. When we opened up our first cat (whom we named Pat after Erins mother-in-law....((her idea..yikes))..)...Well, it was easily the nastiest thing I've ever seen. I'm gagging, Erins trying to hold it together as I'm dragging the trash can to my side, and we discover Pat The Tijuana kitty had been murdered from a blow to her side! The damage had caused quick decay, and things were ooozing out everywhere. Never having skinned a cat before Erin and I didn't know what to expect and attempted to continue. Finally my random bursts of "Oh sweet mother of God!", "Good Night Nurse" and the sound of my dry heaving into the trash can, lead the professor over to our table. She takes one look at Pat and says "Oh, that's no good. Class come over and look at Amanda and Erins cat. Look here (she pokes Pat and this crap comes out the side) You'll see here the beginning of maggot formation." And down I go. (not all the way, but the Professor took care of Pats Disposal bc I'm full on leaning over the sink with nothing left in my stomach)

After that #2 Miss Kitty Kitty was a beauty queen. Erin on the other hand is most likely regretting the partner switch. And despite the fact that we are behind the rest of the class on getting the cat skinned, I think it is safe to say that the worst is over.

**Do note though how messed up everyone in my class thinks I am bringing in my camera to take pictures ***


Amy said...

I feared this would happen and your right there is no way in hell I am looking. You are much stronger than I.

WanderingGirl said...

I'm ready and waiting... with Betty Barf-bucket by my side!

WanderingGirl said...

Strong work on stealing the lab partner. Remember the story about how Dad picked his chemistry lab partner in college b/c he was missing fingers from blowing them off doing "experiments" at home. It was a good mov. Dad did well in the class, and so will you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. That is so gross....but I looked and I didn't lose it. I found you through Jenni's MSN Space. I like what you have going here. :) I remember when I was a junior in high school and we had to cut open a frog...I can't remember what organ she was missing, but we couldn't find it anywhere! Just nasty. lol *I just realized the song you are playing on here. You are so sick! lol*