Hi my name is Amanda and I have an addiction to plants. Some women can't go into shoe stores, boutiques, or in Heathers case, REI. Me? Garden centers. Preferably Lowes with their 'one year you kill it we'll take it back' guarantee. As I was watered today I started counting them up. And I have to say, for a 1 bedroom apartment....Its slightly excessive. 14 in the house. 11 on the patio. (not including the 1 dead tree on the patio care of Abby, waiting for its Lowes dead tree exchange) I'll look into a counseling group.

Got some Abby news......
she's up to $2000.00 damage at Pete and Mollys. Yea, you know what? When someone says 'this puppy HAS to be in a crate when you leave'....I would listen next time. Little monster ate paneling, drywall, and the laundry room door. Ummm drywall. About 3 hours after the initial call I received with Mollys stern voice telling me 'this isn't working out', she called again to apologize. 'Abby, Pete, and I made up. But I don't think that we'll leave her out of the crate again.' (oh yea, great idea, glad you figured that one out)
1 comment:
Oh, No!!! Have Pete and Molly read "Marley and Me: Life and Love with the world's worst dog"? They should! I hope things work out! Yikes!
As for plants, I'm the same way, but I wish there was a store around here that had that same guarantee! I love plants but I suck at keeping them healthy and vibrant! It could also be that I live in Germany where the sun comes out about 5 days a year, though, too. And the water here has so many mineral deposits in it. So that's my excuse.
Recently, I found a plant's blog! Yes, an aloe plant named Michael keeps a blog! You might want to read his exploits! He's currently in love! http://spaces.msn.com/michaelthealoeplant/
Have a happy weekend! ~Nicole
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