Even the pups waited patiently to see how it went......
And It's official.
The semester is over.
About 20 questions into my Anatomy and Physiology exam I found myself becoming a religious person......
Dear God. Please please please let me pass this class. Or put a lightning bolt down in the lecture hall. Either one would work for me. Oh yea, and sorry for all the blasphemy. This test is harder then I thought. -Amanda
I was disappointed to find this morning that the drinking fairies had found me in the night and nit a sweater for my tongue.
Don't worry, I didn't drive, but was a little confused this morning when I walked out the door and saw this.......

My god did I buy/steal/hijack a bus at the bar last night?
Maybe it's where the drinking fairies live. They might have gotten a contact high while putting your tongue sweater and couldn't drive back to fairyville.
Sativa has the,"What are you so happy about Maggie, you're on your way to the vet..."face.
You take the sweater off your tongue and I will keep the prayer chain going..........
it's abby, your dogs name is maggie. silly. now time tyo go sleep
It is good that u r done with yr exams , hope u will be enjoying yr summer :)
Okay I am going to sleep now....
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