I'd be lying if I said that I had nothing to write about....It's just that I don't have the time to write about it. So lets do a short abridged version to get you caught up.
Exams start this week, so hold off sending the troops looking for me, as I'll be focusing on the arteries and veins of the human anatomy. Two weeks and the semester is over can you believe it?
The girls 5k is tomorrow morning, and like today the weatherman is calling for rain. Sweet. I do love jumping in puddles.
Oh yea. And I'm keeping Abby.
(oh wow did you hear my mothers 'oh amanda' from where you are too?)
Well Sativa and I love her, and she loves us, and the potential homes that we found for her didn't measure up to our high standards. They would have had her in a crate from 9-5, five days a week. And she doesn't like the crate. She breaks out of the crate, and lays on the carpet with cookie and promises that she wont chew anything. And I have about a million other excuses of why she belongs with me, so lets not argue about it. My landlord met her. I do have a washer and a dryer ya know, which qualifies me to enter the gates of grownupville, and now I have 2 dogs to run and play with me there. And mom & dad......I learned it from you two. So when she needs hip surgery like the puppy YOU kept from the side of the road, I'll call you to get a vet referral.

Soooo meet my two sweetest things.
welcome home Abby!
... and hey, at least you didn't have to drag her out of a dumpster.
Hehe , u made me laugh again about when u fall asleep , hehe :) , tell me what is yr major ?
Ebony and Ivory......... sing it for me Stevie! You are right about "not falling far from the tree" Amanda. My advice is cut back on beer and start a "future dog vet surgical fund" but for me, they have always been worth every penny. Same goes for my cats and horses....... Poor Joe. We must all be decended from Noah's tribe.
Hugs and biscuts all around....
As if there was ever any doubt?! Abby should count herself lucky...and I am sure she does. :o)
I wanted a second dog (I still do) and I asked our landlord last year and his ladyfriend said no! I was pissed!
By the way, you're a good writer! You're funny!
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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