We're a little on the boring side, this pup and I. I've tried to get some blog worthy material, but it's been all work and no play. Seriously. Graduation was this weekend and I picked up a ton of shifts to cover our Rockslide graduates. Sure I'm encouraging drinking themselves into a bloody oblivion and killing off those few remaining brain cells that secured their parchment paper. Of course I am. Congratulations graduates. Now sober up, put your clothes back on, and please go back to work.
I've attempted 2 bike rides this week, only to be pelted by hail on one, and blown sideways in 40mph wind on the other. Now Im no physics major, but I can tell you....my bike speed + 110lbs / 40mph cross wind = splat on the side of the road.
On a carnival note: the fair is in town. You know the one that sets up in the parking lot of the mall (I think every town has one). I saw on the news last night that The Gravitron ride (one of my favorites) got stuck on for 30 minutes (every bad kids dream)......The people inside on the ride were using their cell phones to call 911. I guess the carnie running that ride had just had enough and walked away. It took 30 minutes for someone to figure out how to stop it. I wonder why they didn't just pull the plug? And what do you think, because I'm curious.....
What do you think would have to happen to make a carnie quit?
Wouldn't that have been funny? Pull the plug and watch all those thrill seekers fall to the bottom of the ride......... proof positive that gravity works!
Oh yeah......... what makes a carnie quit? Cleaning up the ride night after night when people like your suppa-sta sister get off. Makes baby puke pale by comparison. Gotta love that corn-dog and cotton candy action!
Okay this strangely reminds me of my experience on the Pirate Ship at the Rock Hill Fair. I should have been tipped off when I saw the carnie operating the ride pouring a Bud Light into a cup before he loaded us on. Maybe that is why I turned a nice shade of green and puked al over the next row when we were upside down. Following that incident is when Fran cleared a path to the electronic bull...good times.
I would have died. I puke on a regular ride, none the less a 30 minute Gravitron.
I think someone made fun of the carnie's tooth and finger. It would do it for me!
Where do you get these Snoopy pictures? They are so great! I "steal" them all the time from you and use them as my laptop's wallpaper, by the way.
Funny you mention the carnival. For some reason I picked up this book from Amazon called "Once Upon a Dyke" and 4 authors rewrote 4 classic fairy tales and made them all lesbian fairy tales. Interesting idea, huh?! So I just finished the first one, which was a lesbian remake of "Beauty and the Beast" and all took place at a carnival (the Beast was a bearded woman!). Guess I just had to share that anecdote...
Feel free to stop by again sometime!
How's Abby doing, have you heard?
take care,
oh, never mind about "where do you get the snoopy pictures" -- on closer inspection of the picture, I see the words "www.snoopy.com", so I'm just gonna go ahead and take a guess. ~Nicole
what would make a carnie quit?
They have curbed their fring benefits, no more free sawdust, or those gag flase hilbilly teeth... Oh those aren't false?
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