I'm not sure what to do with myself now......
Teva is running around the house barking at me like the house is on fire.......
shouldn't you be studying?? Aren't there flashcards to review?? And what happened to that puppy?
I'll tell ya, first thing Monday I need to get myself into summer school asap. This 'time off' is doing nothing but raising my alcohol tolerance and sending me on a unarail to troubletown.
Abbys trade off went well. Per Petes request, I didn't cry in front of him because 'seeing girls cry make him uncomfortable'. Yea, well I did my best. Although standing in the parking lot of a Conoco gas hub waving like Forrest gump yelling "Bye Abby, I Love You, Bye", couldn't have made Pete feel very comfortable either. So one last picture of the sweet girl as she leaves amandaland and is Molly and Petes girl now. Word of advice to you two. Keep your shoes up....and the dog food....and the toilet paper, the trash, papers, backpacks, Kleenex and dog treats too. It's just precautionary measures.

Put down the bottle and step away from the bar! Go out to the outlands and find some of those cuties you love so and take them for a run with you. Head for the mesa or Yea! sign up for summer school.
Great picture of Abby. So glad that she is now in a home where you can be sure they will love her forever.
PS...... music came in fine this morning. Yippeeeeeeeeeee One of my favorites.
Let's hope that your summer school does not get in the way of Grace's birthday...right?
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