My AC hasn't been turned off in 3 weeks now.
It's hot.
It's Africa hot.
Everyone in Grand Junction says 'It gets to 100 here, but it's a DRY heat, so you don't really notice.'
that's bullshit.
Dry or not who doesn't notice 100 degrees? Sativa certainly does. She hasn't moved away from this fan in 4 days. So I've made an executive decision. We're getting out of this 'dry heat' madness.... Molly and Abby are meeting us 1/2 way, so it's going to be a extended girls weekend in new mountains. Have a great Memorial Day weekend kids, we're off to go cool down.

Poor Cookie! Good thing you got that fan just for her!
I feel your pain...it is 90 degrees here but with the humidity it feels like 100. We send cool thoughts to you and Teva.
NOW you understand why I was pulling so hard for Amy, Neal and Grace to get the cabin and be willing to have visitors. It's southern fried summer here too and if you don't believe it, this morning I put my feet in the pool and it's warm enough for ME to get in this afternoon! The dogs spend their days praying I will stay inside so they can lay on the airconditioning vents but if we're outside, they are under the deck in "bunkers" they have dug in the cool, damp sand. Smarties.
Hope you have a great time on your mountain get-away.
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