(look at that...Abby has grown 2 inches, and her butt in now higher then Sativas. This is a friendly game of 'I said It's my stick you stupid puppy!')
Well, my days of running the black dog underground railroad are numbered. For those of you that don't know, I found a fantastic home for Abby with my girlfriend Molly in Winter Park. Abby will be helping her train for the NY marathon. I'll be a wreck on Thursday, (just so you know.) I've had to stop myself about a dozen times each day from calling up Molly and Pete and telling them that I've changed my mind. Molly and I talked after I had already decided to keep Abby, but the instant that she said 'oh I want her!' I knew it would be a perfect match. She'll be a Pub dog during the day, and a running coach at night. If you find yourself in Winter Park, make sure you swing by The Pub and give my girl some kisses. They owe me for dog training, so tell Pete your on the Abby's Freedom Free Beer Tab, and have one on me.
Now as far as exams are going, I'm trying very hard to stay focused. Focus.....Focus. Awee the dogs are so cute.....Ok, focus.

On a funny note: The two brothers that mom & dad left at the gas station in 83' have turned up and made a video for mom for mothers day. Check it out:
now seriously, I'm going to go study now
Oh, that makes me so sad you are giving Abby away. I'm sure she'll have a wonderful home, but look how happy the two dogs are together... I know I'm not helping you. I'm sorry...
Uggg! I'm so glad I'm done with school FOREVER! I always hated how you can never really enjoy "free time". There is ALWAYS studying to do, and it's always there in the back of your mind.
Oh, will you give Abby a hug for me?
I want a second dog! ~Nicole
Sativa almost looks happy with Abby in the picture...wait a second that is just her "I know this dog is on the next bus outta here, I heard Mom on the phone. Sweet..." face.
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