Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Not what I remember

Things eaten thus far by the puppy:

Think! Shoes
All of the treats
something out of my backpack
the dissection kit out of my backpack (do you think it tasted like cat?)
1/4 bag of puppy food
The rim around the plastic container that I bought to keep her out of the puppy food
1 water bottle
1 tube of sunscreen
Velencia tree. (that's right, the tree. Out of the pot, roots and all tree)
6 pack of charmin toilet paper
empty bag (or was it?......)

So I went out and bought her a very stylish crate....Which after a put her in it and snapped this picture realized it has a HUGE design flaw.....She lays down and shifts her weight and the crate rolls. She flipped it 6 times all the way across the floor before I could get her to stop and pull her out. Looked like a hampster in a giant wheel....only square. Great. I betcha now she is going to have some serious crate anxiety issues.


Anonymous said...

Wow........ you may have to look into doggie daycare at this rate. I am afraid that she will end up poisoning herself with something. Maybe someone with a fenced back yard could help you out while you are in class or at work. Good luck... she's waaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than Cookie ever was!

WanderingGirl said...

Not true. Cookie and Pooh King did some serious plant damage the night before I graduated from college... hee hee... only me and Min know. I bet Coo was egging her on!

Amy said...

Stylish crate equals disturbed puppy...

Martini said...

Oh its on! Looks like she is an official member of the Amanda family.

Sorry I didn't get in touch on my way back through GJ. Didn't roll in to town till 2 am and then out by 8.... feeling like a rolling stone.

Wish they could stay puppy's forever..

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.