So, Amanda's
way too busy to blog anymore, so I've hijacked her site to

keep you all posted. (pssst... it's me,
Tiffany, the wacky-but-loveable-sister!)
So far, the Little Min is rocking out in school. She wouldn't brag, but she's kicked ass on all the big tests. Like, we're talking
bleeeppp is the
lowest grade she's gotten on one of the big ones. An honorary high-kick should be done by all. I mean it, everybody'd better be doing a high kick right about now. If you don't know how, go
here and review...
Hmmmm, now let's have some fun with this blog. Time for funny Amanda stories from childhood and beyond...
1) When Amanda was a toddler, she took off all her clothes and danced naked on a table because the neighborhood kids weren't paying attention to her. She may have done this again a few months ago after one of her
nights out with Liz. The police won't release the official report.
2) When Amanda was 3 or 4, Ryan and I convinced her that if she ran fast enough around the easter egg tree (the little dogwood tree we hung plastic easer eggs from in honor of the season) that easter would come faster and she could have her candy. Sucker.
3) Once upon a time, when Amanda was in college, there was an uncomfortable time period while the police tried to identify the skinny-dippers that broke into the college pool. Some will argue (ahem, Amy) that it wasn't breaking, just entering, since the door wasn't locked. Once again, the police wouldn't release the security camera videotape.
4) Amanda
warms her clothes up in the microwave when she's cold. Panties included. Eeewwww.
5) Amanda is the reason I ever took a car joy-riding. (Sorry Mom and Dad.) That child was so freakin' persistent about getting a Cadbury's egg when she was 13 that I took the car into Ashville so she could get one at the Apothecary. Do NOT stand between that buck-ten body and a Cadbury egg unless you want to die.
6) When she wakes up, she really does have muppet hair. So do I.
7) We really did write the toast for Ryan's wedding reception on a napkin. She has it tucked into the pocket of a purse. I hope she remembers to bring the purse.
8) She lived in the trailer park with me for a few weeks. Every day when I got back from work, I would get the po-po report of where the cops had been and who was throwin whose clothes out on the lawn.
9) We ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant that was in the Shell gas station, then watched a Christmas parade with 7 santas in it. No wonder kids are screwed up.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming. But don't be surprised if I bust up in this joint from time to time. You know, to keep you posted, or tell an embarassing story or two. Or more.