Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I'm sorry if I yelled at you

Ok, so I'm not having the best day.
I woke up tired (how in the hell is that possible?)

The heat in the bikram yoga class is broken, so instead of sweating it all out early this morning, I regretted getting up that early to feel like a lizard.

My stellar grades took a sharp turn south on today's physics test. I swear on the written exam section it yelled out 'say my name biach'.

I got home to find two letters in the mail, one from my lawyer and one from Nikon. The lawyer sent a stack of papers I don't understand the meaning of, and Nikon sent me a $102 bill to fix my camera.

Seems someone didn't buy my warranty story.

I take a deep breath and struggle with myself to grab for my medical terminology book and not the bottle of Captain. I convince myself it's too early in the semester to be drinking bc of a grade. I kept reaching for the book, and looking, and digging, and come up empty handed. Seems on Monday when the The Big Guy in class forgot his book, I gave him mine to study from, and we both forgot to give it back. I don't remember any of this, but as I called around to the houses I've been at for study groups recently, someone else remembered for me. Unfortunately The Big Guy lives and hour away and was out to dinner with his wife and daughter when I called him with the discovery.

The receptionist downstairs called out to me when I was crossing the front lawn. 'Amanda, Dentist Guy is being a real Dick today and wants you to move your Jeep to a side street.' I look up to see the dentist in the window. The window that was wide open, about 3 feet away. She called him a dick again twice before I could motion towards the window.

It maes me smile to know the universe dealt it out to a couple of us today.


WanderingGirl said...

That's okay.

Dentist guy says you can't park in front of the house now? Does dentist guy need me to put my foot up his BLEEP to remind him he's not the landlord? On second thought, maybe the landlord should remind him of that. Try parking in front of the sign.

But I like the receptionist's liberal use of the term dick. She's not afraid

Anonymous said...

If you need help with the legal papers call me tonight and we will work through them. As for the dick of a dentist nothing you can do about that but pray that his next client has a roaring case of halitosis and bleeding gums. I can hear tiff saying eewwwwww from here. The grade. Nothing you can do about it now but move on. Dwelling on it will only give you an ulcer. we love you min.

Anonymous said...

oh, sad news indeed. remind me not to buy a Nikon. I woulda fixed it for ya.