Monday, December 19, 2005

first sleepover

Fact* Waking up at 3am to a screaming baby sends me directly into a panic attack. Im confused, Im not sure where I am (was it all a dream? Does evil Pinnacol not exisit, have I grown a heart, did I have a baby?) And then Amy (like an angel from buddah) comes flying through the door. Ah yes, (i think) that aint mine. So I pull the covers over my head and smile myself back to sleep.
It amazes even me, and Im seeing the live version.....Amy had a baby girl, lives in a morgage free house, and drives a car that can go in reverse. Was I still in bed the day everyone got in line for grownupville? Cheers to the most beautiful baby girl! And now, Grace's online debut in Amandaland.......

1 comment:

Amy said...

That IS the CUTEST baby ever!