Tuesday, December 27, 2005

theme song to a western

Sing it with me everyone....don da da don da da don dada don don don don da (high)
don da da don da da don don don....don da da don don DON! *Just in case there is someone duct taped to a tree......good thought Neal*


WanderingGirl said...

And just where is Dad?

WanderingGirl said...

Wait, where did the picture of you go?

miss king said...

lawyer boys paranoya (along with Neals) steped in and demanded to be on the posting instead of me. (look, he hopes to have a growth spirt at 33 & fit into the saddle srirrups)

WanderingGirl said...

I noticed the stirrups... but I wasn't going to say anything. The male ego is fragile.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow...that's Ryan!!! Are you going to go rob some coal trains with Emmit? OR have you left those wilder days in your past???